Every company claims to have the best tutors or the best curriculum, but the real measure of those things comes down to just one thing: their average SAT score increase. In test preparation there is a rigorous third-party measuring stick: you have a PSAT score and an SAT score If you don’t score higher on your exam, we’ll refund your tuition.

At StudyPoint we’re proud to talk about our results: on the SAT our students increase an average of 124 points, while our ACT students increase an average.

Michelle Kater
CEO & Co-Founder

Every company claims to have the best tutors or the best curriculum, but the real measure of those things comes down to just one thing: their average SAT score increase. In test preparation there is a very rigorous third-party measuring stick: you have a PSAT score and an SAT

At StudyPoint we’re proud to talk about our results: on the SAT our students increase an average of 124 points, while our ACT and students increase an average

  • University of California Berkley Bachelor in Arts, Spanish, Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Seattle University Masters, Business Administration and Management
  • GMAT
  • High School English
  • Business
  • Essay Editing
  • +52 subjects

Every company claims to have the best tutors or the best curriculum, but the real measure of those things comes down to just one thing: their average SAT score

  • Tutor students online or in-person.
  • Set your own hourly rate.
  • Manage your schedule online.
  • Hundreds of new tutoring opportunities every day.